Romans 8:1 There is no condemnation in Christ
by Pamela Moton

Lord, we want to live for You and serve You well, but we goof up constantly. We make mistakes. We fail. We sin. We disappoint ourselves and often feel as if we have disappointed you. We are grateful that because we belong to Jesus we don't have to live in fear of condemnation. At times, though, we struggle to fully grasp that incredible promise. We are hard on ourselves. Our own judgmental thoughts turn against us and cause us to lose sight of our forgiveness. But if You, the righteous God, don't condemn us, then why should we condemn ourselves? That would be like saying we're better than You, and it would allow Satan the victory. We don't want that, Lord. Help us to remember that those thoughts are not from You. Thank You for Your goodness and kindness. Thank you for your grace. And thank you that the blood of Christ was sufficient for our forgiveness yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We love you, Lord. Read Romans 8:1. Love you.