Psalm 40: 1-2 Don't Dwell On Negativity
Dwelling on the negative is a slippery slope to despair.
by Pamela Moton

Dwelling on the negative is a slippery slope to despair for us. The more we focus on them, the more we forget important truths about God. The more we lose our grip those truths, the faster our downward fall into the pit of mud and mire. It's dark, lonely, and messy there, and we don't like it. When we look up, we see light. We see God. If we call out and stretch our arms toward Him, He turn to us and hear our cry. He pulled us up and set us on solid ground. He steady us with reminders of who we are. Lord, help us to keep our eyes where they belong - on You. Read Psalm 40:1-2. Love you and enjoy your weekend in the SON.